Breaking Free from PTSD: Empowering Steps to Recovery

Discovering the cause of PTSD is like unravelling the complex threads of trauma. While some sail through life unscathed, others endure relentless battles within their own minds. Reliving the horror, living on the edge of sanity, and avoiding reminders become their new normal. Yet, hope lies in diagnosis and treatment, where medication and therapy intertwine to help heal the wounded souls. Trauma therapy can be a beacon of guidance, it stands ready to offer solace in Birmingham and beyond.

Breaking Free from PTSD: Empowering Steps to Recovery

Feature Article in the Daily Mail Online: NHS Staff: What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and how is it treated?

Discover the hidden effects of PTSD, an anxiety disorder that can strike after a traumatic event. Flashbacks, nightmares, and a constant state of edginess are just the beginning. Dive into the world of post-traumatic stress and uncover the crucial factors that can make a difference in recovery.

Feature Article in the Daily Mail Online: NHS Staff: What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and how is it treated?

Grenfell Tower Anniversary: The psychological trauma lives on

In twenty-four storeys, not a single sprinkler. In twenty-four storeys, not a single alarm that worked. In twenty-four storeys not a single fire escape, only a single stairwell designed in hell, waiting for an inferno. That’s the story of our times. Make it pretty on the outside, but a death trap on the inside.

Grenfell Tower Anniversary: The psychological trauma lives on