Navigating Life’s Crossroads: Finding Direction with a Psychologist’s Guidance

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Clinical Psychologists and Counsellors do a lot more than just tackle mental health conditions. They are comforters, supporters, and our biggest champions.

It is a myth that you should only seek out professional help if you are struggling. Alas, Stronger Minds Birmingham would suggest finding support for several reasons.

Join us as we take a look below at some of the reasons you may want to start visiting a psychologist if you do not already.


Sometimes life can throw us a curveball, and we can be faced with decisions that can be life-changing in many ways.

Rather than making those decisions on your own, a psychologist gives you a listening ear and someone who can help you work through the best choice for you.

That doesn’t mean that they will decide for you, but they will work with an individual in order to guide them to make the best decision for them.

Deal with Relationships

Relationships can be tricky as we have several types of relationships with other people, whether that is romantically or platonically, past, or present. LGBTQ+ or not – it doesn’t matter.

The links we make with other people can affect us mentally for many years. Seeing a professional allows someone to address any issues that may be outstanding and lead to negative mental health such as addiction, anxiety or depression etc.


Change can bring about periods of uncertainty for certain individuals. This can be a change or circumstance, situation or more.

A psychologist gives someone the tools they need to support them through periods of change or transition. For example, if you get a new job, a Clinical Psychologist can assist you in dissipating any worry of entering a new work environment.

Manage Grief

Losing someone close to you is hard. There is no doubt about that. It doesn’t matter whether you are based in the West Midlands or the Outer Hebrides – we all grieve.

However, how we grieve is individual, and not everyone person goes through the same process.

Grief can bring trauma, which in turn can have a significant impact on the brain, creating potential dysfunction. After losing someone, a person may suffer symptoms of various conditions ranging from depression to schizophrenia.

Grieving can also trigger conditions that have not been seen in a person before too, such as verbal and motor tics.

Whilst there is no magic cure for grief, a mental health professional can be there as a branch of support when experiencing bad times. They can also help refer to third-party services if needed and offer clarity to a person at a time when they may not be thinking straight.

Tackle Mental health Conditions

One in four people suffers a mental illness or condition at some point in their lives. This makes a Clinical Psychologist an essential service for most people because they are trained in matters of the mind.

This can be schizophrenia, personality disorders, LGBTQ+ issues, anxiety and more. The list of mental health conditions goes on and on.

A GP is only likely to refer you to a psychologist and give you medication. In contrast, a psychologist can create a tailored plan for each person and look at options, including medication, intervention and community health support.

If you feel that you could benefit from someone listening to you or examining if your mental health needs an MOT – consider booking in to see Dr Nick or your local psychological professional.

The mind affects the body, so it is always crucial to check in with yourself when you can.

Should you need any more information on a host of mental matters affecting everyone across the West Midlands and nationally -, take a look at the Stronger Minds blog, or share your thoughts with us on social media.