Silencing Stress: Strategies for a More Balanced Life

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Life’s like a juggling act; sometimes, the balls we’re trying to keep in the air seem overwhelming, especially when back-to-school time is approaching. Amidst this hectic show, stress is a familiar intruder. It sneaks in when we feel that the demands of daily life surpass our ability to manage them. While some people handle stress better than others, the undeniable truth is that our bodies aren’t engineered to sustain the relentless levels of stress we often subject them to.

Frequent, long-term stress affects our physical health, causing headaches, fatigue, and stomach aches, but it also seeps into our emotions, fostering anxiety, irritability, and anger. So how do we find effective strategies for managing stress that resonate with us?

People resort to various methods to handle their stressful lives, some of which, unfortunately, have repercussions. A UK-based charity, Drinkaware, estimates that nearly 60% of adults use alcohol to cushion against life’s pressures. A study by the Mental Health Foundation shows that 16% of adults self-harm due to stress. Not all stress relief methods are created equal.

The quest to discover ‘your way’ of managing stress can be tricky. An overpowering work-life balance often lures us into unhealthy patterns like excessive drinking. Let’s explore healthier alternatives that might work better:

Not enough time for stress therapy in Birmingham? Think again.

Stress therapies offer effective methods of reducing the strain on our wellbeing. Professionals trained in stress management propose various strategies, such as cognitive-behaviour therapy to recognize and manage the thoughts and feelings causing stress and psycho-education to understand and mitigate the triggers. However, the required time and money commitment might seem like a daunting prospect.

Here’s the good news: Most clinical professionals are adaptable. They recognize the challenge of finding ‘me-time’ amidst the juggle of life. They are willing to bend to your schedule, offering phone consultations, face-to-face meetings, remote consultations at your convenience, or even email support. They can provide you with practical advice to navigate your personal issues. When the required time is just 15-30 minutes a week, can’t we find a slot in our busy lives for our wellbeing?

Stress therapy – still not a fit for you? No worries.

While stress therapies are always beneficial, especially for long-term sufferers, you still have other options if therapy isn’t your cup of tea.

Start a stress journal to pinpoint your strengths, what triggers stress in your life, and explore ways to tackle these factors. Learn to say ‘No’; overcommitting yourself is a sure-shot recipe for stress. Express your feelings instead of keeping them bottled up. This helps prevent unhealthy coping strategies.

Physical exercise and a healthy diet should be emphasized more. They are powerful stress-busters. Even a brisk fifteen-minute walk or incorporating more veggies in your meals can make a significant difference.

Remember, your best stress-coping strategies depend on your unique circumstances. If you can’t find time, create it. If creating time is challenging, incorporate small, practical changes to ease your day. A healthier, happier you is within reach. Don’t let stress steal the show. It’s your performance, your stage. Take control and make it a standing ovation!


  1. Drinkaware. (2021). Using alcohol to cope.
  2. Mental Health Foundation. (2021). The link between self-harm, depression and anxiety.
  3. National Health Service. (2021). Stress, anxiety and depression.
  4. American Psychological Association. (2021). Coping with stress.